
Tarot card meaning list

A guide to all 78 tarot cards

Tarot card meanings

The Tarot's origins are veiled in mystery, with speculative connection to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, and Greece. Nevertheless, it is well-documented that these cards first acquired popularity in fifteenth-century Italy, initially as a card game, before evolving into a tool for divination or fortune-telling.

The Major Arcana and Minor Arcana are the two categories into which 78 image cards are divided in a contemporary Tarot deck. The Major Arcana is a set of 22 cards that are of great significance in a Tarot reading. They represent significant life events, profound emotive experiences, and critical turning points. Conversely, the 56 Minor Arcana cards address the more mundane, everyday aspects of existence.

Each card in a Tarot deck is associated with its own symbolism, significance, and imagery, which provides a comprehensive framework for comprehending intricate personal dynamics and offers direction. Tarot cards are a profound tool for examining the layers of human experience and consciousness, whether used for self-reflection or to obtain insights into life's various circumstances.

Major Arcana

Major Arcana

The fool’s journey

The Major Arcana, which form the foundation of the Tarot deck, provide a fundamental framework for the spiritual and psychological journey that Tarot readings entail. These cards represent important life lessons, big obstacles, and moments of profound transformation. Each card contains unique symbolism and interpretative possibilities, encouraging the reader to delve deeper into their awareness and interact with the existential mysteries that define the human experience.

When reading the Major Arcana, it is critical to keep an open mind and let one's intuition guide them. Every card carries a specific message and wisdom that, when reflected on, can provide significant insights and guidance. Immersion in the rich symbolism of these cards leads to a better understanding of one's life path and personal progress.

the suit of wands

energy, drive, willpower, creativity, power

The Suit of Wands in Tarot is deeply rooted in the primal essence of spirit and vitality. It embodies spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, intuition, creativity, ambition, and the expansive forces of original thought—from which the seeds of life emerge. This suit delves into the spiritual level of consciousness, reflecting the innermost values and core aspects of one's being.

Each card within the Suit of Wands speaks directly to what drives us at a fundamental level, focusing on the elements that make us tick: our personality, ego, enthusiasm, and personal energy, whether it be internal or expressed outwardly. The Wands capture the dynamic interplay between our deepest desires and our outward ambitions, highlighting the fiery energy that propels us forward in life. This suit is a powerful symbol of growth and the relentless pursuit of what truly matters to the individual.

the suit of Cups

emotion, feelings, intuition, relationships

The Suit of Cups is one of the four integral suits in a Tarot deck, primarily representing the domain of emotional consciousness. It encompasses themes of love, feelings, relationships, and interpersonal connections, offering a profound exploration of our emotional selves. The imagery of the Cups cards delves into the landscape of our instincts and the emotional responses triggered by our experiences, emphasizing the primacy of the heart over the mind in these interactions.

This suit is not only about the emotions tied to relationships but also extends to realms of creativity, romance, fantasy, and imagination. It serves as a powerful instrument for introspection and understanding, aiding seekers in navigating the complexities of their emotional landscapes and connections with others. The Suit of Cups invites individuals to reflect deeply on their feelings, fostering a better understanding of their emotional responses and how these shape their interactions in the world.

the suit of Swords

logic, ideas, intellect, communication

The Suit of Swords represents mental consciousness and is intimately associated with mental and intellectual faculties. This suit investigates the nature of our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes, which together shape our mental framework. The Suit of Swords, ruled by the element of Air, represents reasoning, intellect, logic, and analytical thinking, emphasizing the dynamics of our cognitive processes.

The cards in the Suit of Swords represent the impact of previous events, particularly those that have been difficult or unpleasant, on our current mental state. They highlight the dual character of our thoughts—both helpful and detrimental—which can either promote or impede our personal growth. The imagery in this suit, which is frequently stark or even frightening, has an important purpose: it serves as a vivid reminder of any negative or damaging thought patterns we may have, forcing us to confront and remove these mental hurdles.

the suit of pentacles

nature, body, material world, stability

The Suit of Pentacles is significantly rooted in the practical parts of life, investigating how we interact with, shape, and impact the physical world around us. This suit is interwoven with materialism issues such as self-esteem, ego, and self-image, all of which are rooted in the Earth element. Earth symbolizes solidity, stability, fertility, and the material underpinnings on which our lives are based. It represents the caring environment that promotes the growth and nourishment of all living things.

The Suit of Pentacles focuses on our practical interactions with the world, including our financial activities, desires for success, and the daily problems we confront in the material domain. It evaluates our self-esteem and views about what we deserve from the world. The cards in this suit reveal how we see and handle our resources, with a focus on finances and our need for economic stability.

Visually, the Pentacles are represented by earthy themes that highlight their link with practical and realistic aspirations. These cards assess the viability of our ideas and underline the need for structure and stability in our lives, encouraging us to question if our intentions are anchored in reality or only wishful thinking.


Frequently Asked questions about Tarot

How Does Reading Tarot Work?

A Tarot reading works by integrating various elements to offer guidance and insight. It begins with a question, followed by interpreting each card's meaning within a specific spread (the position of the cards adds another layer of significance). Intuition then plays a crucial role in bringing these interpretations together. By considering all these aspects, a Tarot reader can deliver both spiritual and practical guidance for important life questions.

What Is A Tarot Spread?

A tarot spread is a structured layout or pattern of cards used in a reading to provide context and focus for interpretation. Spreads can range from a single card to the entire deck, with each position holding a specific meaning. This structure helps to direct the reading towards particular areas of concern or aspects of a person's life. Different spreads are chosen based on the type of insight or guidance needed, enhancing the depth and clarity of the reading.

Should I Include Reversals In Tarot Readings?

Yes, you should consider reading tarot reversals, as they add significant depth to your readings. Reversed cards can highlight challenges, blockages, or the need to view situations from a different perspective, enriching your understanding. They offer a nuanced and complex layer, enabling a more comprehensive grasp of the messages the cards convey. Embracing reversals can ultimately enhance the insight and guidance you gain from each reading.

How Do You Shuffle Tarot Cards?

To shuffle the cards, you can use a technique called "mushing the cards in a pile." Start by ensuring that your surface area is clean. Then, spread the cards out face down in a large pile by swishing your hands around. Mix the cards by stirring them as if in a pool, and periodically turn some of the cards head to foot. This technique helps to randomize the cards and create a new order.

How Does Tarot Help Me In My Life?

Tarot can impact your daily life by offering guidance and insights into various situations, helping you understand yourself and others better. It provides advice on handling challenges and making decisions, while also highlighting new opportunities and potential changes. Regularly working with the cards can enhance your ability to interpret their messages, fostering greater confidence and clarity. Ultimately, Tarot serves as a valuable tool for navigating life's complexities with greater awareness and wisdom.

Why Are There Different Meanings For Other Tarot Cards?

People have different meanings for tarot cards because each deck is created by different artists and designers who infuse their own interpretations and perspectives into the cards. This results in unique symbolism, imagery, and artistic styles that can influence how the cards are interpreted. Some creators even develop their own systems of meanings, deviating from traditional symbolism. This diversity allows readers to choose decks that resonate personally, leading to a richer and more individualized Tarot reading experience.

How Many Different Ways Can You Use The Tarot?

You can use Tarot in multiple ways to manifest the reality you desire, with four distinct methods available regardless of your religion or personal beliefs. By shuffling the deck and attuning to the subtle feedback from your mind through your hands, you can harness Tarot's power. This practice enables you to tap into your intuition and align with your goals, making Tarot a versatile tool for personal manifestation. Through these methods, you can effectively channel your intentions and bring your desired outcomes to fruition.

Why Is Symbolism So Important For Reading Tarot?

Symbolism is essential for learning and reading Tarot because it serves as the language by which the cards communicate. Each symbol on the cards allows them to communicate a variety of messages. This symbolic language assists us in understanding the Tarot's art and divinatory meanings, which are rooted in the cards' historical significance. By grasping these symbols, we establish a direct relationship with each card, allowing for more accurate and insightful readings.

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